Welcome to the
Are you a Christian Author or Expert who wants to turn your
Self-Help Book or Expertise into a
Signature Coaching Program?
​Then you're in the right place. We can help you...​​​
Convert your self-help book or knowledge into an online course or curriculum
Put together your course materials (workbook, pdfs, etc.)
Design your coaching website
Develop your personal brand
Craft your signature coaching program
Come up with your marketing strategy
Grow and build your audience/platform

You want to turn your book or knowledge into a coaching program, but you don't know where to start. No worries!
Just share with us your idea and we'll help you plan, structure, create, and launch your program within the next 90 days - or less.
It's time to turn your wealth of knowledge into wealth and reclaim your time and financial freedom!
Don't be afraid to start your coaching business. Need five reasons why you should start one? Here they are:

Reason #1: You're probably already coaching people, whether you realize it or not. You're already helping people solve specific problems; you're just not getting paid for it. Let's change that.
Reason #2: You don't need a coaching certificate or a degree. This is an unregulated industry. The only credential you need is results.
Reason #3: A coaching business is very scalable. With coaching, you can set your own schedule and
work with an unlimited number or people at one time. So, your earning potential is limitless.
Reason #4: The coaching industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This field is growing by leaps and bounds. There's a huge demand for online content and coaching, and it's not slowing down anytime soon.
Reason #5: There's a crowd waiting for the unique gift God has given you to share. This isn't just a business for you; it's a calling. Remember, if God is calling you to do this, He already has a clientele set aside just for you - people who specifically need what He gave you to offer. You'll be fulfilling your life's purpose while prospering financially and changing lives.
​Because helping others is your passion, your purpose in life, the thing the provides meaning to the personal pain you've experienced in life, you'd gladly do it for free.
But who said you had to do it for free?​

Who said you had to choose between making an impact and making
a living?
Why not do both?
How did the wisest man on the planet become the richest man alive?
He impacted the lives of others by helping them solve specific problems using God's wisdom.

King Solomon's networth, according to today's economist, was around $23 trillion. What did he do
to acquire so much wealth? The Bible tells us in 2 Chronicles 9:22-24,
"So King Solomon became richer and wiser than any other king on earth. Kings from every nation came to consult him and to hear the wisdom God had given him. Year after year everyone who visited brought him gifts of silver and gold, clothing, weapons, spices, horses, and mules" (NLT).
Basically, King Solomon had a coaching business. Everyone who came to "consult" with him brought "silver and gold" among other things in exchange for his guidance and advice. The Bible says, "A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men" (Proverbs 18:16, NKJV). ("Gift" means a financial offering.) Getting paid for your knowledge is an ancient, biblical business model.
Yes, you can make a living making an impact in the lives of others. In fact, you can make a good living.
But there are several keys you
must have to make this work.

Key #1 - You need to know what problem you're called to solve and the value of your offer. So, what's your problem?
You have to solve a problem, but not just any problem; you have to solve the right problem for the right people. To do this, you have to be ultra specific...and then niche down even more.
If you hurt your hand, would you rather visit a
general clinic that treats all medical issues, or see a hand specialist? Most likely, you would seek out a hand specialist. Similarly, if you needed help with your marriage, you wouldn't just look for any therapist, but for a marriage counselor or specifically a communication and conflict resolution coach. In that situation, you wouldn't seek out a general "life coach" – you'd want a specialist who only treats a specific problem.
King Solomon solved problems for a particular group: he helped kings and queens. Their problems were much different from the average person's. Similarly, the type of problem you address and the clients you serve are crucial. This is why many coaches struggle to generate income: they're not niched down enough to appeal to a specific client. And many of them fail to understand the value of the solution they're providing because they overlook the enormity of the pain they're alleviating. This is where we come in.
We excel at uncovering our clients' ultra specific expertise, and then presenting it as the solution to a specific problem.
God gave you something
extraordinary to help others, and we are here to help you discover it. That is why...

...we spend so much time with you, helping you to uncover your uniqueness so we can develop your specialty.
We help you discover the right niche for you, and help you stand out and be unique. We present you as a "specialist". This helps eliminate competition, giving you a definitive edge, as your coaching program will be recognized as the "exclusive" solution to a particular problem, making you "the go-to person" in your field.
This is what we did for one of our clients, Dr. Reba Felacio. Despite her business professional background, we helped her uncover her specialty for working with relationships, particularly interracial couples, and helping people recover from perfectionism. Listen to her testimony about working with us:
Also, meet Dr. Janice N. Byrd (a.k.a. Dr. Jan), who, upon going through our program, uncovered her speciality for working specifically with high-profile women and first ladies secretly experiencing domestic abuse and also gained more clarity and structure for her niched Bible study:
And meet some of our clients, Treva Brown and Dr. Cornishia Thompson, who we helped to develop coaching programs for their businesses:
We have extensive experience in using this framework. Over the past decade, we have applied it while working with clients in our book publishing division, T&J Publishers. Our work has assisted hundreds of clients in uncovering their uniqueness and developing their voice. This process has significantly impacted their brands.

We're doing the same thing we did with the hundreds of book publishing clients we helped. It's just that instead of designing books, we're designing online courses and coaching programs with the same level of creativity, passion, attention to detail, professionalism and excellence. That's all that's changed.
Now, I know what
you're thinking:
"This all sounds great, but this
only works for people with
college degrees and celebrities
with large platforms.
Nobody knows me. So, I'm
not sure if any of this will
work for me."

Guess what? You're absolutely right! No one knows you. And that's why I want to introduce
you to Robert.
I'm sure you know and love Robert Lincoln McNeil, Jr. I
mean, you have to - you love his product. You take it
all the time, especially when your crazy uncle or nosy
neighbor comes around or your boss walks through the
door and starts breathing down your neck like a fire-
breathing dragon.
"Who is Robert?" you ask. He's the guy who invented Tylenol.
You've been using Robert's product for years without once asking who he was. All you care about is what his product can do for you. Likewise, people aren't really interested in you; they're only interested in what you can do for them. Can your offer cure their pain? Do you have the solution to their problem? Can you help them get results - and fast?​
When was the last time you visited a restaurant and demanded to see the chef before you ate there? They could be a bum off the street, and it wouldn't matter to you - as long as their food tastes good. Technically, you don't even check the doctor's credentials at the hospital before receiving treatment. You simply go off of the perception of authority - they have on a white coat and sound intelligent. They could be Dr. Giggles, for all you know. But hey, what do you care? As long as they act like they know what they're doing and promise to heal your pain.
So relax. No one cares about you; they care about your offer. They want to know if you can help them get the results they so desperately desire. They want to know if you can help them...
make more money
organize their priorities in life
regain their confidence and self-esteem
find love
improve their relationships and avoid the divorce court
stop the negative thoughts tormenting their minds
overcome heartache
drop a couple of dress or pant sizes
recover their physical health
get their prayers answered
replace destructive habits with productive ones
complete their books on time
scale their businesses so they can improve their quality of life
land their dream jobs or careers
retire with confidence
build their credit, etc.
As long as you can promise them a solution to a pressing problem and show them a clear path to that solution, getting clients will not be a problem for you. Just think of the Signature Coaching Program we're going to help you create as a big...Tylenol for another person's personal or professional migraine.

Time to drop the hammer on you with a cold, hard fact:
"Simple people work hard, while successful people work smart."
Success is no mystery. There's a
Spiritual Law that reveals why
some people succeed and
others don't
The Bible talks about The Law of Diligence. It says,
"Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in
forced labor" (Proverbs 12:24, NIV).
Most people confuse diligence with hard work, but they
are not the same.
Steven K. Scott provides the biblical definition of diligence in his book, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness. He wrote,
"If I need to cut down a tree and try to cut it down with a hammer, that would be hard-working, but it certainly would not be diligent. It could take me hours, even days, to chop down a tree with a hammer. On the other hand, if I use a chain saw I might cut that same tree down in minutes. I would not be working nearly as hard, but I’d be working a lot smarter."​
Let's rephrase that Bible verse:
"Individuals who persistently work smart, looking for ways to get amazing results faster and more efficiently than others, will rule, but those who choose to do the opposite will forever remain stuck in poverty and lack, living paycheck to paycheck, trading time for dollars while at the mercy of a boss."

To build a successful coaching business, you'll need to discover and focus on the few things that work, and do them well.​ It's not about doing more; it's about doing only a handful of things in the right order. It's about working smarter, not harder.
We help you work smarter, not harder
by providing you with...
​Key #2 - The right systems and the power of leverage. This enables you to...
Get clients even if you don't have a mailing list or social media following
Get your message in front of thousands of people even if you don't have a platform
Automate your process of working with clients and getting results
We help you put down the hammer and pick up a chainsaw.

"If you build it the right way,
they will come."

Hello, my name is Timothy Flemming, Jr., and that's my wife, Jackie.
When we first tried entrepreneurship, it was a disaster! It was so bad, we thought we misheard God and had been duped by the devil.
The year was 2012. According to the History Channel, the world was supposed to end that year. We were supposed to see earthquakes, meteor showers, tsunamis, and alien spaceships everywhere, threatening life as we know it. But the only world that came to an end was my and my wife's cosy little comfort zone. That was the year God spoke to us about becoming entrepreneurs.
We knew that meant big changes to our comfortable lives. We had three kids, lived in a decent-sized house, and had good jobs. My wife was a Section 8 leasing agent for a property management company, and I was a church administrator. But now, God was telling us to step into a venture we knew nothing about: entrepreneurship. That word sounded like a bad medical diagnosis to me. But we followed the Holy Spirit's leading. I'd forgotten that the Holy Spirit once led Jesus into a desert where ole' diablos himself was waiting (*sinister laughter*). And that's what if felt like God led us into initially: a desert.
One thing's for sure, our bank account became a desert. We first tried our hand in network marketing. If only you could've seen us in the beginning - the hunger and excitement in our eyes. After all, we'd been instructed by God to go into business for ourselves, so we just knew everything was going to instantly work out for us.
Listening to our uplink tell us, "Hey, it's coffee. Everyone loves to drink coffee, and no one would be crazy enough to turn down getting paid to drink it," that was the only reassurance we'd been given after questioning our decision to sell organic coffee as a business. So, we set out on our journey to convince people to "get paid to drink coffee." The only thing we were convinced of after several months was we'd made a terrible mistake. We felt embarrassed, humiliated.
No one signed up. No one bought from us. We couldn't give free samples away. I mean, we were chasing people into traffic trying to stuff free samples into their hands, but to no avail. And that was also the case with the other stuff we tried to sell: bleach-free cleaning supplies, açaà drinks, weight-loss shakes, etc. No sales! No money!
In the meantime...
We entered a turbulent period in our lives. We downsized to a small apartment and moved in. While there, the elderly couple living below us frequently called the police on us, claiming we were making excessive noise by simply walking around our apartment. Oh, and we certainly wouldn't let anyone sit on those couches. They were filthy, dirty and... yeah. The most humiliating part for me was searching those couch cushions for loose change to buy gas and groceries.

We were relying on just my income, and things were really tight. Despite a warning from a prophetic word, my wife chose to return to work to help with our financial situation. When she went back to her old job, she found herself in a different role that required three times the work for only half the pay she used to get. To make matters worse, her new boss happened to be the antichrist's niece.

Satan's little cousin tortured my wife. God meant it when he said she wasn't supposed to be on that job and that He wouldn't open any more doors for her to work. After being disobedient and returning to that job, my wife got sick. It was the stress. She even looked ill, worn down, and tired. She'd developed acid reflux and anxiety issues. She was experiencing Hell on Earth. Missing our son's first basketball game. Missing birthdays, including her own. And now, the new boss required her to come in on Sundays. She was starting to look like Peter from the movie Office Space.
No other jobs would hire her. None! And yet, we were still sinking financially. So, we decided to revisit God's original plan to go into business for ourselves. But this time, we chose to do things a little
differently. Rather than jump into a business, we hired a success coach first. That's when everything changed for us.
We scratched up the $3,000 needed to book her VIP Day session, packed our bags, hit the road, and headed to Florida for the session. The coach helped us discover our expertise and then devised a strategy to monetize them.
Shortly after, I started my first business, T&J Publishers, a book publishing company. My writing expertise became a 6-figure earning business, and that was while doing it part-time - I still had a full-time job. I began seeing income like this rolling in consistently:

My wife, on the other hand, started launching online courses and programs, some of which brought in thousands of dollars per week:

It all began with her first book, which we published. We then transformed the book into an online course, a coaching program, and an event that achieved tremendous success due to a strategic marketing approach we had devised.

We learned how to build our audience and platform; this involved employing key marketing strategies, building our personal brands, and implementing systems that let us "work smarter" (achieve more even quicker and with less effort).
Let us teach you how to do the same thing so you can step into your purpose and fulfill your dreams.
You might be small, relatively unknown. But if you implement the right systems and strategies in your business, your platform will grow, and so will your income.
You need strategies that allow you to become more effective and systems that let you be more efficient. The systems your coaching business needs are a...

Client Attraction System
This is where you find potential clients through marketing such
as paid ads, public speaking, social media content, webinars,
or podcasts interviews, and lead them back to your funnel.

Client Delivery System
This is where you deliver the results/outcomes promised and
advertised in your marketing, whether that be a physical
product, digital product, or service such as coaching.

Client Conversion System
This is where you enter prospects into your funnel,
nurturing them in order to build trust and eventually
turn them into paying clients.

Client Onboarding System
This entails your onboarding process: discovery calls, service contracts, etc.

The best part is all of these systems can be automated!

Don't freak out!
I know that sounds like a lot - and it is. But we'll help you
set all of that up.
First, Get The Systems
These systems help you automate your clients' process of working with you while introducing potential clients into your sales pipeline. They improve your clients' experience, which increases their confidence and helps you to retain them. They transform your "passion for helping people" into an actual business. We have all the necessary tools, resources, and components (contracts, templates, etc.) to help you integrate these systems into your business.
Next, Get The Strategies
Get the strategies you need to build and grow your business. Strategies include learning how to...
Increase your influence and build your platform so you'll have an excited audience to promote your offer to
Leverage the influence of others to promote your offer and get clients even if you don't have a mailing list or audience of your own
Become known as a thought-leader and expert in your niche so you can increase your credibility and authority in your field
Develop the type of messaging that resonates with your ideal client (after all, you wouldn't try to sell a steak dinner to a vegan, so why lose business due to misdirected, unclear, bad messaging? Get your brand message and elevator pitch, as well as your website, sales page, and ad copy right)
Create a distinguishable, professional looking brand that makes you stand out
Transform your wealth of knowledge into a passive income-producing product
Lastly, Get Full Access
You will have access to us through our weekly coaching calls, unlimited email support, and unlimited access to our online portal, where you can watch our instructional videos and download our program's workbook ($2,500 value).
Not very tech-savvy? No problem. Again, we're doing most of the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on your passion, helping people. We're setting you up so that it will be easy to navigate your online system. It'll be super easy. The only additional things you'll have to pay for are the necessities: website hosting, and (this is optional) a YouTube/Podcast Kit, which enrollees can purchase from us.
And keep in mind...
that this isn't your "typical coaching program" where we give you a bunch of information and then say, "Well, you put it together." No! This is a 90-Day Done-With-You (DWY) program where we get our hands dirty, helping you build your coaching business from the ground up. So, the Kingdom Launch Pad Program is part coaching and "doing".
Our process is simple. It breaks down into three phases:
Phase 1
The Discovery Phase
In this phase, we'll help you discover your unique expertise and narrow down your niche to stand out from other coaches and programs. We'll also assist you in defining your ideal client and creating an offer tailored to help them achieve their goals. Additionally, we'll work with you to develop a step-by-step system to guide your clients toward their desired results and build unwavering confidence in your value and ability to deliver results effectively.


Phase 2
The Building Phase
In this phase, we help you build a unique brand identity that sets you apart from others. This entails assisting you in creating your website, logo, social media presence, and a customized sales funnel for your offer. We also help you create digital products and a lead magnet so that you have something truly special to offer, making you stand out in the marketplace.

Phase 3
The Launching Phase
Now that we have all the pieces ready, it's time to assemble your marketing plan. We'll develop an organic and email marketing campaign for you and show you how to do paid advertising. We also offer you the exciting opportunity to be interviewed by top influencers in your industry through our podcast interview program. This will help you gain mass exposure for your brand, get your offer in front of thousands of potential clients, and move towards financial freedom.
The Final Outcome:
You have a passive income generating online program that transforms lives, and
a clear path to financial freedom. And you get
all of this in 90 days

...we keep working with you until your program is completely set up and you start getting clients. We are committed to your success!
And if, within the first 30 days of going through this program, you decide that it's not what you need, we'll give you a full refund with our
Money Back Guarantee!
Unfortunately, we can only work with a handful of clients due to the nature of the program. Again, we're very hands-on, so that means we'll be doing a lot of designing, writing, and creating for our clients. Therefore, we have to be selective in who we let into the program, and how many we let in.

Enrollment is open.
Hurry up and claim your spot
before they're all gone!


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